الشركات التي نمثلها في سوريا


شركة ifm الألمانية

تعتبر من طليعة الشركات الأوربية في مجال صناعة الحساسات الصناعية ( حرارة, ضغط, مسافة, الاهتزاز, التدفق...), تقوم هذه الشركة باختبار منتجاتها قبل طرحها في الأسواق وفق أعلى معايير الأمان.

شركة KOBOLD الأوربية

رديفاً قوياً في مجال الحساسات الصناعية.

شركة Lapp kabel

من الشركات العالمية والمهمة في صناعة الكابلات الصناعية وفق كافة المتطلبات الصناعية من حيث مقاومة العوامل الجوية والصناعية.

شركة EMKO

والمتخصصة في مجال حساسات الحرارة بالإضافة إلى أجهزة التحكم في الحرارة وعمليات التحكم الأخرى (رطوبة .ضغط.مسافة.غزارة....) وفق أحدث أنظمة التحكم. كما تقوم الشركة في إنتاج أجهزة العد الرقمية والمؤقتات الزمنية بما يتلاءم وكافة الآلات والخطوط والأفران الصناعية ووصلها إلى الحاسوب للتحكم, كما تقوم الشركة بإنتاج أجهزة التحكم في إقلاع المولدات وإمكانية ربطها مع أجهزة الموبايل للتحكم عن بعد.

شركة Entes

تنتج أجهزة القياس الكهربائية (فولت.أمبير.هرتز.معامل استطاعة...) والمتحكمات الكهربائية مثل (محللات الشبكة, عدادات الكيلوات, تحكم أمبير, تحكم فولت, تحسين عامل الاستطاعة...)

شركة microsonic

تنتج حساسات المسافة فوق صوتية وبمختلف المقاسات والأشكال.

شركة Weidmϋller

تقوم بإنتاج الجنكسيونات الكهربائية بكافة أنواعها، ريليات، وحدات تغذية، أدوات...

شركة inforise

تقوم بإنتاج فلاتر ومكثفات لتحسين عامل الاستطاعة.

شركة SEZ الأوربية

We seek to establish a leading position in electrical installation material design, production and sales in Central and Eastern Europe. We promote the SEZ DK trade mark in the production of plastic mouldings up to 0.5 kg of weight and assembly sets for electrotechnical and automotive industry.

شركة MOREK الأوربية

14 years of experience in electrotechnical field Today, Morek Group includes 6 companies in 6 different European countries. The founding company – Morek IT OÜ – was established at the beginning of 2004 in Estonia. The higher education in the field of electrical engineering and previous relevant long-term professional experience of the enterprise founders facilitated the company’s successful start-up and rapid growth. Today, we are a very strong experience-based group that has field-specific experience of 14 years.

شركة OEZ الأوربية , إن شركة Siemens AG ھي المالك الرسمي والحقيقي لشركة OEZ

OEZ Our brand represents a company with over 75 years of tradition in the development and production of low-voltage breaking devices. OEZ is a complex supplier of products and services in the field of the low-voltage electrical circuits. Owing to a 10 years partnership with the Siemens company represents currently one of the most modern production plants in the Czech Republic. OEZ company is a holder of the title "Safe Enterprise" and for the third time in a row defended the award "Health Promoting Enterprise". From the energy management point of view our society-wide responsibility is clearly demonstrated by the involvement into the global project EEP (Energy efficiency program). We are active in a protection of the environment and we continually undertake additional new measures and projects in the field of energy savings. OEZ ranks among the most modern production facilities in the Czech Republic thanks to the gradual introduction of Industry 4.0, a system representing the fourth stage of industrial revolution characterized by digitalization of our production technology. INDUSTRY 4.0 And how does OEZ 4.0 actually work? Practically each operation performed at OEZ workplaces is controlled and checked by computers. Work operations usually start with the scanning of a bar code that is currently printed on each important subassembly and also on the final product. Unique information contained in the code accurately describes what should be done with the item. The computer uses the code to evaluate not only the next operation to be performed and which parts should be used but it also verifies completeness of previous operations, it checks their successful finalization and it records all new useful data into a central database. All historical data about the product are then kept in the database throughout the product´s lifetime, i.e. the information when and under which conditions the product was manufactured. Such data then serve as a key source of information not only to deal with potential complaints but particularly for statistical analysis of production processes and their efficiency. Moreover, results of such analyses may be also used for further improvement of the production processes. OUR VISSION Consequently, the production in OEZ is one generation ahead of many our competitors as we are able to manufacture in series different versions of devices, or even different devices, on the same line at the same time and without disrupting a smooth flow of the production or quality of the products. This moves us further towards the needs of our customers and also contributes to the continually increasing demand for OEZ products and services. To put is simply, you will find the OEZ brand in all applications where safety, quality, and user comfort are of critical importance.

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